Actor Headshots Melbourne

Are you looking to get professional actor headshots in Melbourne? We've been helping actors land auditions with high-quality acting headshots.

I’ve shot all kinds of Melbourne actors headshots before, so I know how to take actor headshots that will demonstrate your talent as a unique and versatile thespian, whether it’s on the stage or the screen. Casting directors will be begging you to work with them.

So, whether you’re an actor looking to land their next gig with Academy-worthy actor headshots, or you’re a Hemsworth brother who just wants to talk, get in touch!

Melbourne actors headshots and why do you need them? 

Well, unless you’re one of the thirty lesser known Hemsworth brothers trying for a bit part in the next Thor (what’re they on, like the 5th one of those now?), you’re going to need good actor headshots.

No, actually. That’s not true. You’re going to need a great headshot. There are so many Melbourne actors headshots received on a daily basis, so you’re going to need to stand out with a headshot that’s great!

And trust me, nobody is that good an actor that they can sell themselves to casting directors using a selfie. They aren’t going to be in awe of how expressive your face is, even though it’s slightly out of focus and completely obscured by the blown out light source that is now bathing your face in white.

For best actor headshots, you will need a professional photographer and that’s where I come in.

Melbourne Actors Headshots: Tips for Taking a Great Actor Headshots

Melbourne Actors Headshots: Remember that your face is key

Your face is the money maker. Your face is where the magic happens. When a casting director is looking at actor headshots, your face is what they’re going to pay attention to.

Avoid the following:

  • Poses where your face can’t be seen on camera

  • Clothes or a backdrop that is so colourful and busy that it distracts from your face

  • Hair that covers your face

No casting director has ever been like “I’m going to hire that person because I really like their shirt!”.

Let your personality shine

One of the benefits of working in a creative industry is that you have a lot more freedom to just be you. If you’re a massive goofball, let the world know with your actor headshots. If there’s an expression you love, use it… although be prepared for me to get you to dial down a notch or two if it’s getting out of control.

Have a good strong go to headshot…

You don’t want to limit the amount of roles you can apply for because your actor headshots are too niche. Make sure that one of your headshots is your go to for any role.

I’m talking a front on pose, down the barrel of the camera. Something nice and simple but a headshot that you can use universally. 

… But have multiple looks as well

But don’t limit yourself to one look. If you want to apply for a wide range of roles, you’ve got to show a wide range of looks. Play around with colours, experiment with different backdrops, go for different poses.

You’re going to have to convey different moods and styles as an actor, so make sure you do the same with your headshots. Give casting directors a sense of everything you can do.

Melbourne Actors Headshots Must Reflect the Roles You Want to Audition For

If you want to become a comedic actor, you probably shouldn’t be handing in headshots that make you look like you’re ready to avenge the death of your partner who was one week from retirement.

Similarly, if you’re applying for the role of a tormented writer holed up inside a haunted cabin in the woods, you should probably put away those headshots where you’re grinning while bathed in warm light, surrounded by bokeh and holding a ukulele.

Actor Headshots Also Need To Be Accurate To You

Look, if Hollywood can de-age its actors by thirty years, you can get away with some mild retouching to remove some blemishes off your headshot.

That said, if you come to your audition looking nothing like your headshot because you Photoshopped it to hell and back, don’t expect a callback. I can’t stress this enough, first impressions matter!

If you’re an aspiring actor looking to nail your next gig with the best Melbourne actors headshots, get in touch. I’ll make sure you get the best quality headshot possible and have a great time doing it.