Corporate Headshots Melbourne

If you're a professional in Melbourne that needs corporate headshots, then look no further.

I’ll work with you to get a corporate headshot that announces to the world that you’re an absolute boss, and people would be lucky to work with you!

To find out more information about my corporate headshots services for you and your team, click ‘get in touch’ below. 

Here are some tips on what good corporate headshots are and what they look like, just to give you a sense of how you can really stand out.

Benefits of Professional Corporate Headshots for Melbourne Businesses

Professional corporate photography plays a vital role in promoting your Melbourne business. High-quality corporate headshots showcase your professionalism and create a positive first impression. They reflect your brand image, enhance credibility, and help establish trust with clients and partners. With tailored corporate photography packages, you can effectively communicate your style, tone, and values to your target audience. Stand out from the crowd, make a lasting impression, and elevate your business with professional corporate headshots in Melbourne.

Corporate Photography FAQ

What is corporate photography?

Corporate photography is a specific style of photography targeted to promote a company’s product and services. This includes corporate headshots for staff, profile images, website photos etc. 

Why is corporate photography important?

Corporate photography is essential as it adds a visual representation to your business, which in turn reflects your image and your branding. You can’t get the imagery associated with your brand without… well… images.

What is corporate photography used for? 

Corporate photography is used to communicate the style and tone of your brand. Whatever you want your audience to think of when they look at you is determined by your corporate photography.

What is the process of corporate photography? 

The process of corporate photography involves professional photoshoot at a studio, including corporate headshots, outfit changes with optional hair and makeup artists and shoots at external locations.

How do you do corporate headshots?

I’ll tell you what you certainly don’t do. You don’t rely on the wonder of smartphones to get your headshot. You can have the most powerful phone camera in the world, but even a high definition selfie is still just a selfie, and people will see through that instantly.

(Also, don’t try and get around that by having Mum take the photo. I’m sure she’s absolutely lovely, but you might want someone a bit more qualified)

Look, if you want a headshot that’s professional, you should probably go to a professional. Sure, as a professional photographer, I guess I’m biased. That said, take a look at the headshots on my website and tell me I’m wrong.

What makes a good corporate headshot?

Not just looking good. Looking good is the bare minimum of a corporate headshot. If the basics of focus, exposure, framing, etc. are all adhered to, congratulations, you’ve got an adequate corporate headshot.

But, a good corporate headshot is all about communication. You want professionals to look at it and think “this is the kind of person I want to work with”, not just “Cor, they look alright”. Good corporate headshots make you look friendly, approachable and not like you’re the kind of person everyone fantasises about shoving into lockers. 

What makes a bad corporate headshot?

If your corporate headshot is a blurry canted shot of you in front of a blown out, dead-space-filled background obscuring part of your face as you deliver a haunting thousand-yard stare that’d be less appropriate for your corporate headshot and better suited alongside Jack Nicholson and the rest of the Overlook staff at the end of The Shining, then I think it’s safe to say you have a bad corporate headshot.

But what if you have a nice looking headshot that’s just there? It looks fine, but it doesn’t communicate anything about you. The headshot you sank time and money into might as well be one of the thousands of others that don’t really help anyone. 

Ugly headshots are bad, but so are unremarkable and impersonal headshots. Luckily, I specialise in good looking headshots that actually stand out, so if that’s what you want, then I guess fate has serendipitously brought us together.

What does a good professional headshot look like?

Good professional headshots capture that perfect moment where you are at ease. You’re natural, even a little vulnerable, and that translates to a picture that anybody could look at and immediately get a sense of what it’s like to work with you.

How do you get a creative headshot?

With creativity. More specifically, it’s about getting to know you and making you feel comfortable. I like to have a little chat and try to ease your nerves. If you’re smiling, I’m succeeding. If you’re laughing, we’re ready to shoot!

The moment I like to capture is those few milliseconds after you giggle at a dumb joke, that is when you’re most at ease. Is there a scientific explanation for that? Maybe. I’m a photographer, not a behavioural scientist.

I’ve just noticed this phenomenon every time I shoot, and capturing it always nets me the best results. 

Should you smile in corporate photography?

There’s an old school of thought that smiling in headshots is unprofessional, presumably because the concept of fun wasn’t introduced to Australia until 1996 when the ABC started airing Recovery on Saturdays at 9. 

But that was then, and this is very much now.

So, don’t be afraid to smile in your corporate headshots… Don’t worry, we we’ll work through all the expressions of the rainbow but you’re more likely to get a job if you look personable and smiling is just that.

How much do corporate headshots cost?

You can find my rates for corporate photography here.

I like to keep my rates affordable, whether you’re a CEO of a tech business or an outsider looking to get a foot in the door.

The standard packages come with the following:

  • Headshots in Colour and Black & White

  • Outfit changes

  • No strict timelines

  • Image delivery in both high resolution for print and low resolution for social

  • Professional studio shoot

There are extra options available; such as extra images, an optional hair and make up artist, extensive retouching and shoots at external locations.

And, even though I’m pretty sure I’ve covered everything, if there is anything else you need don’t hesitate to ask.

How to prepare for corporate headshots?

If you have booked a corporate headshot photoshoot, you might be a little nervous. It’s perfectly understandable. Cameras are these big emotionless black boxes with imposing large lenses. They rank pretty high on the “list of things you probably don’t want pointing at you too often” scale that I totally did not just make up (#1 WILL shock you!!!).  

That’s why, if there’s anything I can do to help, I’m willing to give it a bash. Frankly, it makes my job easier if you’re comfortable. Sorry Richard Tedeschi and Lawrence Calhoun, there’s none of that “art-through-misery” rubbish here.

What should you not wear for corporate photography?

Now I want you to feel comfortable and express yourself just as much as the next guy. That said, there are some clothes that you should just flat out avoid.

  • Clothes that don’t suit your job or intended career

  • Neon or fluorescent colours, as they will reflect back onto your face.

  • White, as it will reflect the lights and gives you a distracting glow

  • Clothes that are either too baggy or tight

  • Patterns that are too busy to the point where they’ll draw attention away from your face

  • Jewellery, as that will catch the light and distract from your face

What is the best colour to wear for a headshot?

Typically, you want neutral, solid colours that’ll protect against unintended lighting effects. There are bright neutrals such as cream and white, as well as darker neutrals such as black and navy blue.

Or, if you want, you could just wear bold primary colours and make it a free-for-all light show. It’s the roaring 2020s, avant-garde headshots are in*.

How do I style my hair for a headshot?

The best way to style your hair would be the ideal way you’d style it in any professional setting. 

I love electric blue mohawks as much as the next artsy Melbourne type, but you’re better off styling in a manner that is tidy, ordered and not obscuring your face.

*WARNING: That’s just a joke. Avant-garde corporate headshots are most certainly not “in”.