Linkedin Headshots Melbourne

Are you looking for LinkedIn headshots in Melbourne?

Get in touch!

I’ve shot headshots for pretty much every single person on the professional spectrum you can think of. Whether you’re a CEO or an intern, I’ll give you quality Linkedin headshots that show you mean business. Look no further for corporate Melbourne photography.


LinkedIn isn’t just a social media site for guys that own yachts. It is a great way to connect with other professionals (take it from me. If there’s one thing I’ve learned as a photographer, it’s the importance of good networking sources).

After all, what’s the alternative? Are you going to print out your CV and go straight to the manager? Send them a fax maybe? Of course not. The future is now! Make that LinkedIn profile!

You have? Sweet.

But you know what every LinkedIn profile needs? Of course you do. You’re thinking about it right now, aren’t you?

That’s right, it’s a great headshot for your LinkedIn profile from one of the best studios in Melbourne! Seriously, don’t be one of those people who uses a phone selfie (or, even worse, nothing at all). You wanna know how many professionals or clients look at that and think “that’s the one!”? Because let me tell you, the answer is pretty close to zero. 

Whether you’re an employer representing your business, a job hunter looking to make an impression or a professional looking to nab your next client; you need a headshot that not only looks good, but makes you stand out from everybody else on LinkedIn that wants the same position as you!

That’s where I come in. With my knowledge of photography, I’ll give you quality LinkedIn headshots in Melbourne that’ll show how professional you are, make you stand out from the rest and get the right people to want to hire you.

So, how do we go about getting you a headshot and your next job?


LinkedIn Headshot Tips

Of course, a huge part of great LinkedIn photography is that it looks good. That goes without saying. I’m not a master photographer because I can come to that epic conclusion.

But, I know how to get the best headshots from people. My goal is to have a bit of fun and then capture those few milliseconds where you’re completely at ease, and we end up with a natural headshot where you look your absolute best.

Every day, I have the absolute pleasure of shooting high quality portrait photos for all kinds of clients from professional business people to aspiring actors to the royal family and everything in between, all inside one of the best studios in Melbourne. Most importantly, we always have a great time doing it. 

Does Prince Charles have LinkedIn? I guess he wouldn’t need one. Look, the point is, if he did, I know exactly what headshot he would use for his LinkedIn picture. Am I saying I’ll give you a professional headshot comparable to royalty? It sounds like I am. I guess I am. It’s certainly true. 

Anyway, here are some tips that’ll help you help me to help you get those perfect LinkedIn headshots in Melbourne.

Your face is the feature

I guess “faceshot” doesn’t have the same ring to it as headshot. Make no mistake though, your face is what we’re here to showcase. Why wouldn’t we? It’s nice and expressive, it’s radiant, and it shows the world who you really are!

You can help me with that by making sure that any stylistic choices you make don’t obscure your face. I’m talking about elaborate hairstyles or too much makeup. They might sound like a good idea at the time, but not once you’re in front of the lens and we’re trying to figure out how we’re going to see your face.

Your LinkedIn photography headshot is the first thing that people see when they look at your profile. They need to get a sense of who you are, and they won’t if your face is covered. I might not be an expert on the history of employment, but I don’t think anybody’s ever been hired because they had an air of mystery to them.

Choose the right facial expression

Are you a no-nonsense, straight-to-business, there’ll-be-time-to-smile-when-the-workday’s-done kind of guy? If that’s the case, then feel free to keep a completely neutral facial expression and a serious demeanour. 

That said, when it comes to LinkedIn headshots in Melbourne, most would recommend you do the opposite. People don’t want to work with someone who hasn’t had fun since Menzies was PM (a.k.a. a long time ago). Thanks to smashed avocado, we can’t afford houses, so at least let us have fun coworkers as we slave to the capitalist system, y’know.

So, give us that friendly, approachable smile. Let your fellow professionals know that you’re a delight to work with. If you’re not sure what tone you’re looking for, it’ll be very similar to what I’m trying to achieve with our shoot (think fun, casual, collaborative).

Don’t worry, I don’t expect you to smile on command like some kind of robot. That’s why I make it a point to work through all of the expressions, starting with your serious face and working our way towards getting some laughs out of you.

I know what you’re thinking. “Why would I use a headshot where I’m laughing? That’s not good for LinkedIn, is it?”, and the thing is that you’re absolutely right. We’re not actually going to use the picture where you’re laughing (unless you want to, of course. I’m not going to stop you. It’s your headshot, after all). The trick isn’t to use the shot that’s stone serious or the one where you’re laughing. That hero shot is somewhere in-between.

Dress for your job

This goes without saying. 

It’s the same advice you’re given when you’re going for a job interview and it applies to LinkedIn photography. If you work in an office, you should match that office’s dress code. If you’re applying for a job as a creative, you probably don’t need a sharp suit that cost you a four figure sum (unless your strategy to get hired is to make everybody else in the interview cry, which is certainly a way to go).

Look, just use some common sense. Don’t rock up in trackies, thongs and an Iron Maiden t-shirt without a change of clothes. Or, at least, don’t do that and expect me not to do at least one double take. 

Also avoid clothes with fluorescent colours as well as jewellery. I’m not trying to be the fun police here, but it’s just a way to make your photos look better. Jewellery and fluorescents are not only distracting from your face, but they can also catch the lights and reflect them, giving your photo a disorienting glow.

Although, once again, if a disorienting glow is your plan, I at least commend your bold stylistic decisions.

Don’t use filters

LinkedIn has filters now, probably because other social media platforms have them as well.

I’m gonna tell you right now, you don’t need them.

You really don’t. I can’t stress this enough, you really really really don’t.

Here’s the thing; when I take headshots, I also retouch them. A lot of studios in Melbourne do. That includes a colour grade where I take all of the colours and add elements such as contrast and saturation to make them pop.

The simple fact is that filters tend to look tacky. They have a tendency to make people think “Instagram selfie” instead of “Get that person an interview!”.

So if you want to use filters anyway, that’s fine. I’m not going to stop you. It’s a free country, after all. But I guarantee that you’ll have better luck finding work without them.

Avoid distracting backgrounds

It’s not just enough to just avoid hairstyles or clothing that might appear distracting, you should also use plain backdrops that aren’t too busy. Studios in Melbourne that know what they’re doing will provide you with a neutral background.

This can mean a populated background in a softer focus, or it can mean just a plain background with a solid colour or a mild gradient.

Keep things neutral

If you’re a particularly creative individual, you’re probably thinking about all kinds of props, poses and lighting trickery that you can use to really accentuate your uniqueness.

Now, if that’s what you want, I’m not going to stop you. But let me tell you that employers won’t be impressed. They want to know what it will be like to work with you, not how many dogs you have, or that you’re awesome on the flamenco guitar (save that for when you’re hired and at the office Christmas party).

Keep it simple! Everyone has a fun side, and I’ll make sure that comes through. We don’t need to force it, y’know?

If you’re a professional and you’re looking for the best LinkedIn headshots Melbourne has to offer, get in touch. I’ll make sure you get the best quality headshot possible and hey, you’ll have a great time too.