Portrait Photography Melbourne

Looking for portrait photography in Melbourne? Well, you’re in luck. We Melbournians tend to cop a bit of flack for being artsy latte sippers (as if there’s something wrong with good coffee?), but it means we have a lot of talented artists who are hungry for work.

However, that’s both a good thing and a bad thing.

Sure, you’ll always be spoiled for choice, but every Joe Bloggs with a digital SLR camera thinks they’re the next Irving Penn (you should check out his stuff, he was really good). They may have the gear but the question you need to ask is do they have the skill and experience to capture your true self? 

If you’re looking for portrait photography in Melbourne that has experience taking professional portraits, don’t hesitate to get in touch


Why should you choose me for portrait photography Melbourne?

I’m not a parent yet, but my jokes are pretty much on track to making me a very embarrassing Dad. I like to try and make portrait sessions fun and the reason why may surprise you. 

It’s great to get a laugh or two when shooting but that’s not the shot I'm generally after. The image I want is in the milliseconds after the laugh, when you start to relax again. This is the time when your true personality shines through, when you’re ever so slightly disarmed and vulnerable. That’s when the magic happens.

I’ve worked with around the world for a ton of different clients, from rock legends  and footy players, to CEOs and interns on their first day. I’ve even shot Prince Charles and his boys. Not only do they all end up with a high quality professional portrait but also a fun experience to remember. I’m sure the Prince hasn’t stopped thinking about me. 

What services come with my portrait photography?

My photography services don’t stop at my ability to take a picture. I don’t just point a camera at you, click and then send you on your way. Photography is a bit of a process, and it’s one I’ve got down to a tee.

Whether it’s before, during or after the shoot, my standard portrait photography Melbourne packages have everything you need for a great quality portrait you’re gonna enjoy taking. 

Portrait Photography Melbourne

Of course, I offer high quality professional portraits in both colour (as that’s your standard lot) and black-and-white (for a little flair, a certain je ne sais quoi, if you know what I mean). 

Typically, my portraits are taken in All Time Studios in Richmond, a spacious studio perfect for photography sessions, featuring an 8 metre wide cyclorama and 150 square metres of studio space.

Depending on which package you choose, you’ll get either one portrait or four with the option to purchase more images if you’d like to.


Part of my services for portrait photography in Melbourne include basic retouching with all of the portraits I take. Now, take it easy, I’m not going to use the magic of computers to change absolutely everything and leave you with a picture that stopped resembling you the second I added the first random bokeh. 

All that means is that I airbrush obvious blemishes and pimples, remove dust from clothing and apply a colour grade. The idea is to remove small details without changing your picture overall.

That said, for an additional cost, I am also happy to provide more advanced retouching on request.

Different Outfits

As a professional Melbourne photographer, I’m all for experimenting with multiple looks. After all, if we’re going to shoot a portrait that truly speaks to you, we’ll need to see how you look with different styles and colours. 

That’s why I’m one of those portrait photographers in Melbourne that allow for outfit changes during my shoots. It gives us a chance to experiment, to make sure that final portrait really screams you (and I don’t just mean a half-hearted little scream, I’m talking the kind of scream that shatters glass. It’s going to be LOUD).

Depending on the package you choose, you can have either 1-2 outfit changes or 2-4 clothing options.

Flexible Time

Too many portrait photographers in Melbourne book a busy schedule and then spend their shoots in a cold sweat as their watch counts down to the hour mark. That just sounds exhausting. After all, if your photographer’s visibly nervous and agitated, imagine how you’re going to feel! Not the best environment for photography, is it?

That’s why I prefer not having super strict deadlines for my shoots. Typically, they take either 30-60 minutes or 60-90 minutes, depending on which package you choose. However, you can rest assured that we’ll finish once we get the perfect shot. 

Digital Image Delivery

What’s the point of a great portrait if you can’t even use it, right? 

That’s why, once the shoot is complete, you’ll get your portrait in digital formats in both low resolution for social media and your LinkedIn profile, and high resolution for print. You’ll be able to put your portrait anywhere. 

Do you want it framed so you can put it on your desk and intimidate your colleagues as they walk into your office? Say no more. Do you want to start a website that’s just your portrait repeated ad infinitum? I’ve got you covered. Do you want to erect a 3m tall billboard with your portrait on it?... okay that one might be a tad less feasible. Still, I appreciate that you liked my portrait of you THAT much. 

Alternate Locations

All Time Studios is a great location for a photoshoot, but it’s not the only one. Sometimes, in order to get your perfect portrait, you need a location that really speaks to you and makes you comfortable.

Being a Melbourne photographer, I often shoot outside the studio and travel around the city. Luckily, my equipment and setup is portable, so I am more than happy to come to you (as long as you don’t live somewhere too difficult to get to). All you have to do is get in touch and we’ll work it out together. 

Hair and Makeup Artist

There aren’t any hard rules on hair and makeup. In my experience, I’ve learned the following:

  • Keep your hair tidy, ordered and out of your face

  • Don’t wear too much makeup, as that’ll distract from your face. Keep it natural. 

That said, for an additional fee, I can provide a professional hair and make-up artist on set to give you a touch up before the shoot. 

If you’re looking for a professional portrait photographer in Melbourne, contact me! Not only am I a portrait photographer who knows how to take a good shot, I’ll give you a nice experience to go with it.

(And you’ll be able to say you were photographed by the same photographer as literal royalty).

Portrait Photographer Melbourne FAQ

What is the average price for a portrait photographer in Melbourne?

If you’re looking for a portrait, the average price of photography in Melbourne is approximately $250 for a one hour hour shoot. However, it pays to look at what comes with the package, as the extras are usually just as important as the photos themself. I’d also find out if they’re a dual finalist in the National Portrait Prize. I am. 

Why do portrait photographers in Melbourne charge what they do?

Photography in Melbourne can result in a price tag that seems sizable on the surface. However, you must take into consideration:

  • The photographer’s need to eat.

  • The gear and studio-space that they need to maintain.

  • Any pre/post-production parts of the shoot, from organisation to retouching.

  • Any overtime spent during the shoot.

What is the history of photography in Melbourne?

The earliest examples of commercial photography in Melbourne were in around 1857, as photographers such as Antoine Fauchery and Richard Daintree migrated from France and England in search of work and both set up their own studios while also working for the Government.

One of the most notable portrait photographers in Melbourne was Thomas Chuck, who would arrive a decade later and open up a studio on Collins St. He would go on to collate over 700 portraits of Australia’s first settlers into this work of art that you can view at the State Library of Victoria.

What’s another example of photography in Melbourne?

Not only is there a wealth of portrait photographers in Melbourne, you can also find commercial photographers who can shoot high quality advertising photos. I can think of one person in particular who I’d recommend if you’re looking for a commercial photographer.